Content Marketing: The Ultimate in Providing Value to Prospects

Here's a fundamental fact of commercial life:Your business is not unique.Unless you've created a product that the world has never before seen -- and good luck with that! -- there are thousands of other enterprises in cyberspace representing the same goods and/or services as you. I've made this point before and can't underscore it enough: the… Continue reading Content Marketing: The Ultimate in Providing Value to Prospects

How to Create a Compelling Curated Post

One of the most effective ways to build authority -- and thus improve the bond of trust between you and your prospects -- is to provide a steady stream of value through informative content.However, doing so can be a challenge, especially when scaling it up becomes a logical progression in expanding your operations and/or outreach. Thus,… Continue reading How to Create a Compelling Curated Post

How to Handle the Harsh Reality of Owning an Online Business

There's a little something in business called a Profit-&-Loss Statement.Its basic purpose is to let you know whether you're making or losing money in a given period of time.Clearly, that's a fairly important piece of data!Online, people try to start businesses every day, but incredibly, they never check their P&L!Maybe they're just treating e-commerce like… Continue reading How to Handle the Harsh Reality of Owning an Online Business